Helping our children to learn these key values. At Featherstone Nursery School we believe that the EYFS already provides a solid foundation to encourage a child’s understanding and acceptance that we live in diverse communities with many different cultures and lifestyles.At Featherstone Nursery school we are committed to serving our community and recognise the multi-cultural, multi-faith nature of the United Kingdom today.

We understanding the crucial role our setting plays in promoting the key British values of: mutual respect; democracy; individual liberty; tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs and the rule of law and these are already implicitly embedded in the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework which sets out the standards that we must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe.

Through our ethos, vision and values we aim to foster a positive, democratic and tolerant environment where we value all of our children and families.

At Featherstone Nursery School we value all of our children and families. We promote mutual respect and are an inclusive setting. We want children to be independent learners so that they can make their own choices and build and develop strong relationships and friendships with lots of people. We expect children to join in and try their best and to follow our simple rules. All of these things are the foundations for growing in to good citizens and promote the ‘British Values’ of democracy, the rule of the law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance.

  • Mutual Respect
  • Democracy
  • Individual Liberty
  • Tolerance of those of different Faiths and Beliefs
  • The Rule of Law

Most people agree that everyone should be treated respectfully and fairly. Yet many people still report feeling discriminated against. The reason might be that we’re actually discriminating unintentionally—we do 98% of our thinking in our subconscious mind. And that’s where we collect and store implicit biases.The Love Has No Labels campaign challenges us to open our eyes to our bias and prejudice and work to stop it in ourselves, our friends, our families, and our colleagues. The important thing is to educate ourselves and watch for biases when they surface.

To end bias, we need to become aware of it. And then we need to do everything within our power to stop it. In ourselves, others, and institutions. The world will be a better place for it.