The Birmingham Association of Maintained Nursery Schools is a group of 15 nursery schools that have joined together in a contractual collaboration. We are proud to be a part of this innovative group.
The overall purpose of the group is: to raise the profile of the unique nature of maintained nursery schools at both a local and national level and to work collaboratively with other nursery schools to ensure the sustainability of high quality early education across Birmingham and beyond. Our Specific Objectives are as follows:
- Teaching and Curriculum to strengthen curriculum links to support the ongoing improvement of curriculum delivery and high standards;
- to plan and develop the curriculum and the identity;
- to improve teaching and learning and provide better quality training opportunities for
all staff; - to explore the potential of offering joint appointments;
- to exploit fully opportunities for continuing professional development of all staff
- to enable effective sharing of best practice and value for money.
Achievement of Economies of Scale through joint purchasing of services and resources
to align purchasing policies within the BAMNS Collaboration; and actively seek opportunities to ensure best value for money in the procurement of goods
and services and to build capacity through the effective and innovative management of resources and income generation across the collaboration.
Governance and Strategic Planning
to achieve strategic short, medium and long term planning across the BAMNS Collaboration, in respect of the achievement of improved learning in all of the Participating Schools; to provide strategic support and challenge to leadership at all levels within the collaboration where every individual’s views are respected and valued in a climate of mutual trust and shared commitment; and to quality assure policies and practices in place so that collaboration members maintain the highest levels of safeguarding.
Impact within the Wider Community to understand and respond to the unique needs of the children and families in each nursery school community; to work collaboratively and with other professionals, parents and carers to provide high quality, inclusive education for children with special rights, needs and entitlements; to align and develop best practice in respect of effective partnership with families and inclusion; and to develop and explore how the BAMNS Collaboration can access extended services for the benefit of all attending their schools.