Children love using technology and are learning to navigate websites, online games and consoles and touch screen technology like tablets and smartphones from a younger and younger age. Featherstone Nursery School has e-safety and internet use policies which all staff, students and volunteers follow.

Our internet access is designed expressly for our children and includes filtering appropriate to the age of our children. Children will use the internet with the direct support and supervision of staff. Internet access will be planned to enrich and extend learning activities. Staff will guide children in on-line activities that will support learning outcomes planned for their age and maturity. Staff will check that the sites pre-selected for child use are appropriate to their age and maturity. Using Technology at Home. For parents and carers this opens up a whole new world of things to be aware of. For many of us, this can all be a bit too much.

You might be struggling to keep up with the things your child is doing online, you might wonder whether what they are doing is safe, and you might also be thinking how can I be as good a parent online as I am offline?

There are lots of places you can find information about good parenting online.

Start by watching this short film giving useful tips and ideas for parents of children under 5:-

More information is available on their website:

Internet Matters

For advice and guidance on how to keep your child safe when doing these activities have a look at the childnet website at: Child Net – Parents and carers

For advice on using technology with children under 5 years look at the National Literacy parent’s website, Words for Life.

Tips technology with 3 year olds

Tips technology with 3 5 year olds

For two online stories ‘The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin’ and ‘Digiduck’s Big Decision’to use with your children aged 3-7 years that give internet safety advice click below:

Smartie the Penguin


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This website for 4-7 year olds is based on the Jessie & Friends animated series, which aims to equip 4-7 year olds with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to stay safer online. It is intended to be used by 4-7 year olds alongside their parents and carers and there is an accompanying guide for parents and carers.

If you are suspicious about the behaviour of others online, reports can be made to CEOP at: Reporting Suspicious Behaviour Online

Apps for Learning
Apps, and technology overall, are another tool for learning. Children get the most out of playing with apps if they are well chosen by you and if you play together. The National Literacy Trust gives the following advice when choosing apps for your children to use:

Tip 1
When choosing apps for your child, it’s useful to consider:

+ Your Child: It has to be something they will enjoy and which relates to them specifically
+ The Content: Suits their abilities and helps them learn something
+ The Community: Apps reflect what your child sees around them
+ The Context: Make sure the children are also spending time offline

Tip 2
Watch gameplay footage of the app on Youtube so you know what it does. It’s a great way to get a feel for what your children will be doing before buying.

Tip 3
Things that you should always try to avoid are:

+ Violence
+ Gender or racial stereotyping
+ Pop-up adverts and sales promotion

Tip 4
Exploration is the best form of learning so don’t let yourself or the app be too strict about how your child plays with it.

The Literacy Apps website reviews and recommends apps that can be used with children at different ages from age 1-5 years and that promote learning.

Literacy Apps