Out of School Clubs
We usually run both before and after school provision for the children that attend our nursery school. Due to Covid-19 we have had to change how these are run and can currently only offer from 8.00am before school and up to 4.00pm after school.
This ensures that your child will be cared for by the same adults as throughout the day wherever possible.
Your child will remain in their ‘bubble’ rooms or outdoor space for both before and after school club.
Breakfast club includes a light breakfast and after school club includes a snack so that the children also have a nice social time to share a snack with others and to talk about their day in nursery school.
Our speciality clubs e.g. cooking club and drama club have been suspended temporarily.
Places in before and after school club can be booked by contacting the school office on 0121 675 3408
Please follow the links below for our club leaflet and club contract.