What are the opening times?
30 hour children attend:
8.30am-2.30pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Part-time children attending at the beginning of the week attend:
Monday and Tuesday 8.30am-2.30pm
Wednesday 8.30am to 11.30am.

Part-time children attending at the end of the week attend:
Wednesday 12.30 midday to 3.30pm
Thursday and Friday 8.30am-2.30pm

Part-time children attending mornings attend:
Monday to Friday 8.30am to 11.30am

Part-time children attending afternoons attend:
Monday to Friday 12.30 midday to 3.30pm


  • As a school we expect parents/carers to ensure that their children are punctual and have good attendance so that their child can reach their full potential with us. Attendance and punctuality are monitored regularly and regular feedback will be given to parents/carers. All records are kept for Ofsted inspection purposes.
  • Always bring your child right into the classroom to be greeted by their keyworker and when you collect him/her they should always say goodbye to the keyworker. In this way you make staff aware of your child’s presence and provide for their safety.
  • Regular attendance and punctuality are important to enable your child to benefit fully from their nursery education, and to build good habits for the future. You must telephone school if they are going to be absent for any reason.
  • Ideally you will bring your child and collect them yourself, but if this is not possible, then a responsible adult (over the age of 16) should undertake this task.
  • Make sure that staff are informed of the name, contact number and other relevant details of any adult whom you are authorising to collect your child. You should also ensure that this adult knows the password that you have set up with us.
  • It is essential that you can be contacted at all times in case of accidents or emergencies. If you provide us with a mobile number your ‘phone therefore must be switched on at all times. Also please ensure that you inform us of any changes to your address or telephone numbers. We require two alternative emergency contact details needed in addition to your contact details.