Governor Communications

End of year letter from Chair

July 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

At this time of year, the governing board looks back and reflects on the past school year. We consider what has been done to fulfil our core responsibilities as governors and how this can be built on for the future. We also take this time to thank you, the wonderful parents/carers and children within and around our school community, who have contributed however large or small to the wellbeing of our school and pupils.

We were pleased to see the wonderful comments and high opinions, in your recent questionnaire responses. It is pleasing to know we all share these similar views.

Staff and leaders continue to strive to provide your children with quality early years education and experiences, creating fun and stimulating environments for them to learn. While recreating the curriculum and continuing to work closely with Osborne Nursery School and other trusts.

Although this year hasn’t been the normal we had hoped for, we have had a glimmer of normality this last term; with the creation and celebration of the new entrance art work. Governors have been able to return to visits within nursery. Seeing your children thrive in their nursery environment and telling us about their activities has been delightful. It was a pleasure to see the children highly engaged, well behaved, and using their developing social and language skills brilliantly.

On behalf of the governing board, I hope you all have a wonderful summer break and look forward to seeing those returning next year. For those moving onto reception I would like to wish you all the best and hope you enjoy your next phase of education.

Yours sincerely,
Abi Cartmale
Chair of Governors