Birmingham Nursery Schools Trust is a group of all 27 Maintained Nursery Schools in Birmingham that together have formed a CIO Trust.

The objects of the CIO Trust are:
The advancement of education for children in the early years (birth to 7 years) in such ways as the charity trustees think fit including (but not exclusively) by:
Promoting their care and safety.
Promoting their education and parental involvement; and
Providing services to support them and their families and carers.
Purpose/Role of the trustees; To have a clear vision and strategic priorities, To be accountable to the membership (the 27 Nursery Schools), To ensure the charitable objectives of the trust are central to its work, To develop and support a long term strategy, based on a shared vision, To define the success criteria by which progress can be measured, To oversee the financial performance off the Trust and making sure its money is well spent., To engage with our local community, the wider early years sector both locally and nationally, To monitor Key Performance Indicators. Our school has been an active member of this Trust to promote the 27 nursery schools within Birmingham and to join the campaign nationally to secure the funding of nursery schools for the future.